Aug 6, 2008

Cellphones, Just as important as shoes

Cellular devices are very stylish accessories, being just as important as your choice in shoes. Like shoes, phones can judge who you are-- A business orientated man (blackberry), modernly up to date individual (iphone/voyager), or a care free/ has one just to talk kind of person (normal samsung flip phone). My personality ranges among the first two. As surprising as it sounds, I often find myself planning my wardrobe around my cell phone. They're probably the most frequent accessories pulled out, meaning that they need to be appealing and flow with your look. The exceptionally trendy phones are composed of:

These included the up to date Blackberry Curve (verizon), Iphone (AT&T), and LG Dare (verizon). I favor the Blackberry's because it is a lot easier to type with. I just wouldn't prefer to type on a flat screen, since I'm not finger coordinated. As Lauren Conrad once said, "Shoes judge a guy," and I believe cellphones do the same thing.


Mimi said...

I want a blackberry so bad and if I don't get it I want the LG Viewty.

Thanks for the comment :)

Danz said...

I've never really been into the cellphone trend for some reason. They only serve one purpose for me which is the original purpose of a phone - to make and receive calls. I don't care about all the extra frills. I'm probably one of the last few people on earth who has this feeling about them though lol.

LuLu124 said...

thanks really much for commenting my post!!! your blog is really great :) hmmm now that i think about it, cell phones really are the most prominently pulled out and displayed accessory of one's outfit, so it's probably a good thing that you base your outfit on your phone :D xoxo, lulu

Sam said...

I love that blackberry! my dad has one and he is addicted.

Anonymous said...

Im addicted to my sidekick slide. But now I want the new sidekick, with the gorge yellow.

Anonymous said...

I want a blackberry for email purpose!!!

Love your blog!!!

Terence Sambo said...

It's the iphone for me nothing else does it better, i personally hate keypads :o)... great blog keep up the good job

Gracie said...

My phone is really crappy (like 3 years old and battered) but I can never bring myself to buy a new one.......